From Sinology to post-Chineseness Intellectual Histories of China,Chinese People,and Chinese Civilization
纸书售价: ¥47.2 纸书定价:¥59.0 电子书售价: ¥23.6
责任编辑: 喻苗出版时间: 2017-06-01ISBN: 978-7-5203-0755-0字数: 256千字浏览人数: 445次
Following the Path of Italian Sinology
China in Belgium: From a Religious,Economic and Political Interest to the Development of an Academic Discipline
Changes Historical Context about Modern Japan's Cognition on China: A Discussion From the Alame of “Shina”
Indonesian Intellectuals and China:A Brief Introduction
Hungarian and Polish Sinolog y-Parallel Lives1
From Sinology to Contemporary China Studies:The Case of Hong Kong in the Post-war Period
The Social Construction of the Realm of the Discipline:Polish Sinology
China Studies in the Philippines:Evolution and Challenges
China Studies in Contemporary South Asia
A Project Note on the “Russian Sinology(2008-2015):Results and Prospects
Oral History of Chinese Studies in Thailand:A Project Note
A Comparative Analysis of the Oral History of Vietnamese Scholars on China Studies
版权所有:中国社会科学出版社 备案序号: 京ICP备05032912号-1 地址:北京西城区鼓楼西大街甲158号 邮编:100720