文学、美学与历史 中荷文化交流论坛文集
Literature,Aesthetics and History: Forum of Cultural Exchange between China and the Netherlands
纸书售价: ¥70.4 纸书定价:¥88.0 电子书售价: ¥35.2
责任编辑: 夏侠出版时间: 2014-02-01ISBN: 978-7-5161-4041-3字数: 446千字浏览人数: 352次
Exoticism or the Translation of Cultural Difference
Negotiating a Tradition:The Interaction among Villagers in the Process of Reconstructing Popular Religion in Jieting Village
Nomadswithout Secretes
Modes o f Transport
Circum stances
Facing:the Local and the Global,or Intimacy Across Divisions
The Project
Facing Philosophy
ldeo logies o f the Face
lntercultural Ethics:Relationality across Gaps
Pre-posterous Time
Facing Restraint
Facing Speech
Let the Allegory Fly:Beyond the Activity of Reference
Flying Allegory:lncrementally Different yet Strangely Familiar
Toward Postm odernism:Prob lem atizing the Activity of Re ference
Allegorica l lm pu lse:The Dawning of Multi-level Representations
Literacy on the Move
Wall-building and the Paradoxes of Globalization:Franz Kafka's“The GreatWall of China”
The System of Piecem eal Construction
The Tower and the Wa ll
Between the Abstract and the Litera l:Europe and the Paradoxes of G lobalization
From Text to Hypertext:Preservation and Innovation of Online Literature
“Hypertextua lity”o f Traditiona l Text
lnnovation in On line Literary Texts and lts lm p lications
An Ignored Phase of the Court Literature of the Han Dynasty -The Magnolia Terrace(Lantai兰台)Group and Their Literary Activities
The rise of Magno lia Terrace G roup
The O rganization of Magnolia Terrace and Mem bers o f Magno lia Terrace G roup
The styles and features of the Magnolia Terrace G roup's w ritings
The Consequences of Magnolia Terrace G roup's Literary Activities
From Goethe to Marx:from“National Literature”to“World Literature”
Goethe's“World Literature”
Marx's“W orld literature”
TheWheel of Fortune vs.the Mustard Seed:A Comparative Study of European and Chinese Painting
The way of understanding“acquired vocabularies”in European painting
The separation o f painting and architecture in China
What Chinese Painters Learnt from The Mustard Seed Garden
Conc lusion:The Sources of Creation in China
Grounding the Global:How Dutch Art and Literature Respond to Globalization
Hafid Bouazza:the Anxieties and Prom ises of Bound less Diversity
Om bre's Anti-G loba list Narratives o f Diversity
Two W ays to Argue that a Location's Meaning ls Determ ined by the G loba l
The Ungraspab le Nature o f Matter
Towards Global Dialogism Transcending “Cultural Imperialism”and Its Critics
G lobalization as a New Philosophy
The“G lobality”Cultural Studies in the Era o f G loba lization
The“Postm odernity”Cultura l Studies Doesn't Acknow ledge“Cu ltura l lm peria lism”
W here There ls the“Modernity”Cu ltura l Studies,There ls“Cultural lm perialism”
Conclusion:Towards G lobal Dia logism
Europe as Façade
Betrayal and Heterotopia
lm agining Venice in Beijing
Façades and M irages
Accidentalism and its Discontents
Looking for Alice
De-economization:A Marxist Critique on the Cultural Studies
The Problem of De-econom ization and the Reason o f Re-ecnom ization
Taking a Different Path:Han Yu's Idea of Returning to Antiquity (Fu Gu) Compared with that of Li Baiand Du Fu
Han Yu:“Fu Gu”and“Gu Wen”(Prose in Ancient style)
Li Baiand Du Fu's ldea o f“Fu Gu”:in Com parison With Han Yu
Literature,Aesthetics and History:Odyssey of the Human Spirit
Illegitimate Love,or the Troubles of Interculturality
Exoticism in Literature
The Strange Desires of an Exceptional Girl
A Spectacle o f O therness
The Exotisation of the Chinese Object of Desire
Catering for the Reader:Reassuring Bourgeois Norm ality
Ghostly Power and Cultural Specificity
Confucius and Plato on the Function of Music
Psychical Effect
Aesthetic Value
Moral Function
Political Expectation
A Com parative Rem ark
“World Literature”or“Ethnic Literature”-The anthropological turn in Humanities
The lssue of Anthropological Turn
From the“World Literature”,“Genera l Literature”to“Ethnic Literature”
What is literature:from Homer to the“living Homer”
The Chinese Way of Psychoanalysis:Freud's Influence on Literary Criticism in Contemporary China
Appendix-1 About the Authors
Appendix-2:Contribufors'Information (Listed in alphabet order of surnames)
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