Step by Step to Research on Language Anxiety
纸书售价: ¥35.0 纸书定价:¥35.0
作者: 王天剑出版时间: 2011-06-01ISBN: 978-7-5004-9907-7字数: 222千字浏览人数: 215次关键词: 语言学习研究所属分类: 语言、文字 > 语言学 > 语文教学
1 The concept of language anxiety
1.1 Anxiety
1.2 Language anxiety
2 The paradigm and primary stages of research on language anxiety
2.1 The paradigm of research
2.2 Stages of research
3 Research questions
3.1 Theoretical and practical questions
3.2 Sources of research questions
3.3 Evaluating the research questions
4 Literature review
4.1 The roles of literature review
4.2 Sources of literature
4.3 Strategies for literature review
5 Research hypotheses
5.1 The significance of the hypothesis
5.2 Deductive and inductive reasoning
5.3 Deductive and inductive hypotheses
6 Sampling
6.1 The rationale of sampling
6.2 The probability and non-probability sampling
6.3 Sample size
7 Data collection
7.1 Questionnaire
7.2 Observations
7.3 Interview
7.4 Experiment
8 Data analysis
8.1 Descriptive analysis
8.2 The rationale of inferential analysis
8.3 The test of means
8.4 Test of proportions
8.5 Test of distributions
8.6 Correlation analysis
8.7 Regression analysis
8.8 Qualitative analysis
9 Primary findings on language anxiety
9.1 Retrospect into early period of research
9.2 Language anxiety and learner variables
9.3 Language anxiety and language learning
9.4 Theories on language anxiety
9.5 Learning theories relevant to and possible remedies for language anxiety
10 Speaking anxiety reduction: the Wang SAR model
10.1 The theoretical basis of the Wang SAR Model
10.2 The script of the Wang SAR Model
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